Can you Eat Sheepshead Fish?
Sheepshead is one of the more peculiar fish species found along the coastlines of the United States. They are known ...

Black Drum vs Sheepshead – What’s the Difference?
Two of the most popular types of inshore saltwater fish species are black drum and sheepshead. Each of these are ...

Great White vs Tiger Shark – What’s the Difference?
Two of the ocean’s apex predators are great white and tiger sharks. Each of these sharks often grow to exceptionally ...

Bluefin vs Yellowfin Tuna – What’s the Difference?
Tuna are one of the most prized sportfish species in the world. They present anglers with an incredible challenge in ...

Can You Eat Tarpon?
Tarpon are commonly considered to be one of the most exciting game fish species in the world. They are known ...

White Bass vs White Perch – What’s the Difference?
White bass and white perch are two of the more prevalent freshwater fish species across North America. They are not ...

Jack Crevalle vs Pompano – What’s the Difference?
Most avid saltwater anglers will agree that there are few more exciting and challenging fish to catch than Jack Crevalle ...

5 Different Types of Marlin
There are several types of marlin that are fished for regularly and they are easily some of the most exciting ...

Sailfish vs Marlin – What’s the Difference?
There are two particular fish species that sit atop the world of sportfishing as the ultimate challenge when it comes ...

Sailfish vs Swordfish – What’s the Difference?
Sailfish vs Swordfish what's the difference and how do you tell these spectacular giant fish apart? Many anglers consider sailfish ...

Bull Shark vs Great White Shark – What’s the Difference?
Sharks are some of the most dangerous creatures on Earth with very few natural predators outside of humans. In many ...

Marlin vs Swordfish – What’s the Difference?
Marlin and swordfish are two of the most popular species that sportfish anglers seek after in the waters of the ...

White Bass vs Striped Bass – What’s the Difference?
It’s sometimes hard to tell the difference in white bass vs striped bass. For most anglers, these fish appear to ...

Halibut vs Flounder – What’s the Difference?
Halibut and flounder are two very similar fish in quite a few ways. They share a variety of different characteristics ...

Permit vs Pompano – What’s the Difference?
A lot of anglers seem to be confused between Permit vs Pompano, while both fish are of similar size and ...

Can you Eat Marlin?
Can you eat marlin and what do they taste like? Blue marlin are perhaps the most sought-after game fish species ...

5 Best Florida Fish to Eat
Florida is easily one of the top destinations in the United States where anglers flock to each year to catch ...

Can You Eat Barracuda?
Barracuda have a reputation as being one of the most ferocious fish in the sea. This might be due to ...

Can You Eat Shark?
Sharks are undoubtedly some of the most sought-after game fish as surf anglers and offshore fishing vessels commonly target them ...

Can You Eat Starfish?
There are countless species of sea creatures that you might find if you’re out fishing, snorkeling, or spearfishing around coastal ...

Can You Eat Stingray?
It’s no rare occurrence for surf anglers and anyone fishing around coastal areas to hook something that they believe to ...

Are Striped Bass Good to Eat?
Striped bass are among the most unique and most highly-targeted fish by surf anglers and others who fish along coastal ...

Are Pompano Good to Eat?
Pompano are among the most popular species of game fish that saltwater anglers target along the coast and while offshore ...

Where to Cast When Surf Fishing
Surf fishing involves the use of many tactics that are vastly different from any other form of angling. The crashing ...

Light Tackle Surf Fishing – Tips and Tricks
There are an abundant number of different fish species you can catch along the surf at any beach. Some of ...

Surf Fishing Gear List
Surf fishing requires the use of a certain set of gear items that are mostly unnecessary when it comes to ...

Best Surf Fishing Rigs
Surf fishing is quite unlike any other kind of angling. It requires the use of specialized gear and tackle to ...

Best Surf Fishing Reels 2023 – [Buyer’s Guide]
Choosing a surf fishing reel means matching your reel to a rod with the correct power rating and action will ...

Surf Fishing for Pompano
Pompano are one of the most sought-after species of saltwater fish that surf fishing anglers love to catch. These relatively ...

Best Tide for Surf Fishing
In this article, we will take a closer look at the best tide for surf fishing and help explain why ...

Best Surf Fishing Baits
Surf fishing is nothing like any other form of angling. It requires the use of gear and tackle that are ...

Shock Leaders for Surf Fishing
If you’re not very well-versed in the world of surf fishing, some of the tackle and gear used, as well ...

Surf Fishing for Redfish
Redfish are one of the most popular game fish species along the southern Atlantic and Gulf coast. Many anglers consider ...

Surf Fishing at Night
Surf fishing is something that most anglers consider to be a daytime activity since the tides are shifting at night ...

Surf Fishing for Flounder
Flounder are one of the most sought after fish along the coastlines of North America. They are known as one ...

Surf Fishing for Spanish Mackerel
Spanish mackerel are among the most popular fish species that saltwater anglers target for a few simple reasons. They make ...

Night Fishing for Striped Bass
When the weather heats up and the days become filled with the sweltering heat of the sun, most anglers prefer ...

Best Bait for Striped Bass
Striper are known throughout the world of fishing as some of the most voracious feeders in the oceans, rivers and ...

Striped Bass Freshwater Fishing
Striped bass are one of the most sought-after sport fish species in the world due to their ability to survive ...

Surf Fishing for Striped Bass
Striped bass are one of the most popular game fish species found along coastal saltwater areas throughout the United States ...

Best Surf Fishing Rods 2023 – [Buyer’s Guide]
Choosing the best surf fishing rod does not always mean picking the longest most expensive rod that you can afford ...

Trolling for Striped Bass
For many anglers, striped bass are widely considered to be among the few heavyweight fish that present a serious challenge ...

How to Catch Striped Bass from Shore
Striped bass are one of the most popular fish in the world due to their potential to grow to enormous ...

Best Striper Fishing Rods 2023 – [Buyer’s Guide]
Choosing the best striper fishing rod means matching the rod length, power, and action to the size of stripped bass ...

5 Best Saltwater Fishing Baits
Saltwater fishing is widely considered to be one of the most exciting forms of angling in the world. This is ...

Jigging for Flounder
Flounders are one of the most popular saltwater fish species in the world for a variety of reasons. They are ...

Jigging for Halibut
Halibut are one of the most sought-after game fish species in the world by anglers who love to target some ...

Jigging for Blackfish
Blackfish are one of the most peculiar game fish species in the world. Known for their finicky nature, blackfish are ...

Jigging for Lingcod
Lingcod are among the most voracious fish in the sea, seeking to devour anything that comes within reach of their ...

Jigging for Rockfish
Rockfish are a bottom-dwelling fish that can be found hiding amongst the cover of natural and artificial reefs and other ...

Jigging for Mackerel
Mackerel are among the most popular game fish species that can be found swimming around the coast of North America, ...

Best Jigging Rod 2023 – [Buyer’s Guide]
Jigging is one of the most widely used saltwater techniques and your choice of jigging rod will depend on species ...

What is Inshore Fishing ???
People debate whether inshore fishing is better than offshore fishing. It really depends on your personal preference, as the two ...

Inshore Fishing Boats
Inshore fishing includes any fishing you do that is in water less than 30 meters deep or close to the ...

Inshore vs Offshore Fishing
People often wonder what the difference is between inshore and offshore fishing. The answer is actually quite simple. Inshore is ...

Inshore Fishing Tackle and Gear
If you are just starting out with inshore fishing then getting the right gear from the get go will make ...

Inshore Fishing Setup
Most saltwater fishing can be divided out into three distinct types of fishing offshore, surf and inshore within each of ...

Best Pier Nets for Landing that Catch
If you have fished on any kind of pier that is a decent height above the water your probably aware ...

Best Inshore Spinning Reel 2023 – [Buyer’s Guide]
Inshore fishing gives you access to a large variety of fish species and fishing styles whether that's using bait or ...

Best Inshore Spinning Rod 2023 – [Buyer’s Guide]
An inshore spinning rod once sized correctly can handle a lot of different setups and techniques. Although there is a ...

Blacktip Shark Fishing Tips and Tricks
For most anglers Blacktip shark fishing is their first introduction into the world of shark fishing as a whole. In ...

Mako Shark Fishing Tips and Tricks
Mako sharks are known to be one of the most aggressive game fish that can be caught on a rod ...

Surf Fishing for Sharks – [Tips & Tricks]
Surf anglers know that the single most exciting species of fish they can catch is almost always a shark. Many ...

Shark Fishing Charters – How to Choose the Right Boat
Without a doubt booking a charter can be one of the most expensive things you can do following your passion ...

Kayak Shark Fishing
Fishing for sharks from a kayak can be one of the most exciting forms of fishing that you will ever ...

Best Shark Fishing Reels 2023 – [Buyer’s Guide]
Shark's are one of the ultimate game fish you can target whether that's from the beach or off-shore on a ...

Best Shark Baits
Shark's have on of the keenest sense of smells in the ocean and can sniff out a few drops of ...

Best Shark Fishing Rods 2023 – [Buyer’s Guide]
Choosing a shark fishing rod will be mostly influenced by how you intend on fishing. Will you be offshore on ...

Shark Fishing Gear and Tackle
Shark fishing is one of the most exciting types of fishing you can do from either the beach or on ...

Pier Fishing Gear and Tackle
Fishing from a pier gives you access to a wide range of different species which means there is a lot ...

Pier Fishing Rod Setup
If you are just starting out fishing on your local pier then you may be a little confused as to ...

Best Pier Fishing Rod [Buyer’s Guide]
Pier fishing can be one of the best ways to start out fishing in saltwater. There is a huge variety ...

Flounder Gigging Lights for Wading
If you don't have a flounder boat available to you or are just starting out in gigging then wading along ...

Best Sabiki Rod and Reel for Baitfish
If you are catching a lot of live bait like mackerel and threadfin herring then the best way to haul ...
Fall and Winter Fishing
Temperatures are dropping, the leaves are turning colors and the fishing is HOT. These are sure signs that autumn has ...

Flounder Gigging Equipment List – (What You’ll Need)
The minimum basic flounder gigging equipment that you'll need on your first gigging adventure is an actual gig. But; There ...

Flounder Gigging Boat
Flounder boats give you the ability to cover a lot of water and pretty much float over any type of ...